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Making Tools for Unreal Engine in C++


There are many ways to create tools in UE5, such as editor utility blueprints and editor utility widgets. While those can create very powerful tools, C++ offers much, much more. I'm going to help you get started.

These guides are mainly intended for designers who are interested in learning C++. They are not a substitute for a full course, but a fast track for those who want to cover a lot of ground quickly, then fill in the gaps using other resources—many of which I will link to.

I'll be covering a lot of the basics on how to get started with code, but I'm assuming that you already have a decent amount of familiarity with Blueprints and the editor in general. The information will be concise but hopefully still provide enough context.

As a disclaimer, I don't come from a programming background. My approach is from a designer's point of view.

Let's get started.